Well If i start writing exactly all the what my mind is saying then even i will never understand what i said if I read the same post later in time .. :) why later .. even if i read after few hours ;-)
So .. in morining i was watching my beloved TV (I die for my TV its my moster TV :) an

I was wataching ad of Tata Sky and it says .. you can recored programmes and even you can pause live match, well .. I will be in office in day .. then how would i record todays show when i am in office .. see .. Need #1 I SHOULD BE ABLE TO PROGRAM MY TV SO THAT I RECORDS WHATEVER PROGRAM I MENTIONED IN THE MENU WHEN I AM NOT AT HOME SO THAT I CAN COME BACK AND WATCH THE SAME :) is it a needed one :)
However i should not get so much confused to program it .. thats when HP touch Smart comes in picture., my remote should have LCD and drag and drop options, like you see .. it show all todays programmes and there should be a basket where i can drag and drop into the basket so that i should record all inside that basket.
I have 5 remotes in my home, i should have somthing one common touch screen remote which controls all my gadgets like Speakers, Tata Sky, TV, DVD player and my Play station (if any ;-)..)
Have a looka the touch smart you will get lot of idea click here
ok, i need to start working now .. before that just a wrap up in bulleted points what i think in need in TV
- Huge memory space to recored all the programmes
- Internet connection to download movies
- Touchsmart type of remote to operate/sehedule programmes
- One touch or one stop remote for all gadgets
- wireless connecting speakers
- wireless connect power cord
- foldable screen for TV so that i can wrap my TV and take it whichever room i want all remote you see.
- vioce recoginition technology just in case if i am lazy using touchsmart remote ;-)
- please comment if anyone of you think there is more you can imangine

My TV Specifications ;-) W Series - KLV-40W400A
Chioooo .. and keep rocking !!!!
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